Tima Fofana - Mindset and passion alignment coach

Helping WOC shift mindsets, gain clarity, and align passions with professional pursuits 


Whether you’re launching an online business, marketing your services, or considering a career pivot, it all starts with your mindset. Through my coaching, I prioritize cultivating growth and abundance mindsets to help you create a life, that not only aligns with your passions and aspirations but truly transforms you into the highest version of yourself.

Tima fofana - Transformational mindset coach to women of color

Get to know me


Hi, I'm Tima. I'm a  Mindset & Passion Alignment Coach, marketer, and writer. I work with women of colour who are ready to shift their mindsets, stop self-sabotaging, and create the life of their dreams.

My journey to this point has been less than a straight path. I've faced depression, PTSD, and low self-esteem after an abusive relationship, burnout, and severe self-doubt that made me the poster girl for impostor syndrome and self-sabotage. I've had so many "what the heck was I thinking?" moments that eventually transformed into "What is the lesson I am meant to learn here?" moments.

I have spent many years working on developing a growth and abundance mindset. It hasn't always been easy, and it doesn't mean that I feel unstoppable every single day. However, because of the work I've done, I have been able to fearlessly pivot from one industry to another.  I’ve bravely started side hustles and business ventures, excited to learn along the way.

This journey has helped me develop self-love I didn’t know I needed. I've strengthened my personal relationships, and learned to set healthy boundaries. Our minds are incredibly powerful, and I am a true testament to how working on reprogramming your subconscious mind can transform your life. 

Now, I'm here to help you do the same without having to go through all the hurdles I faced. Whether you're thinking of changing jobs, starting or marketing your small business, or simply living a more fulfilled life, I'm here to help you achieve that.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey together?

I'm ready!

Nothing exciting happens in your comfort zone. If you're aiming to create a whole new life, it might be time to step outside of it.

Catch me outside!