1:1 Coaching for High-Achieving Women of Colour

Complete mindset transformation with the VIP experience? Count me in! This is your sign to take the reins and discover the clarity and confidence you need to turn your passions into professional pursuits. 


Picture this…


You've pinpointed your passion(s), recognized your unique strengths, and discovered how to bring incredible value to your role, side hustle, or business...


You're mastering a mindset of growth and abundance, turning every "What if?" into "Let's do this!" while quieting the naysayers in your head...


You're embarking on a journey that's not just exciting but deeply connected to your purpose—whether it's making a bold career pivot, launching a side gig, or taking your small business to the next level...

Guess what? Your moment has arrived…


With a coach in your corner, every  crossroads is just a secret shortcut to your next big break.

So, who is this for?

I collaborate with the woman of colour who is:

The aspiring entrepreneur

 If the thought of your day job makes you sigh, but turning your passion into a career feels like a puzzle, you're in the right place. Let’s find that missing piece together.

The future side hustler

Got a brilliant idea you’d like to do part-time, that’s just gathering dust? Let's dust it off and bring it to life. We're turning those late-night thoughts into a profitable reality.

The career shifter

Ready to switch lanes or jump into a whole new field? Whether you want to increase your income or just hungry for a fresh start, I’ve got your back. It's time to make that bold move.


The small business owner

Already hustling hard but your brand’s kinda whispering when it should be shouting? Let’s amp up your marketing game and get you noticed.


We should work together if…

  • You realise that you tend to get in your own way through overthinking, self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, or being paralysed by the fear of failure.

  • You're ready to put your passions at the heart of your work, whether that’s climbing the corporate ladder, launching your next big thing, or turning that side gig into gold.

  • You’re here for real talk, no sugarcoating. You want friendly guidance that’s straight-up, with a side of good vibes.

  • You’re not just after a cheerleader; you’re looking for a teammate who’s ready to keep it 100, push you forward, and celebrate your wins.

  • You’re all in for the deep dive – mindset overhauls, busting through those “I can’t” moments, and sketching out success on your own terms.

  • You dig learning from someone who’s taken the scenic route to their dreams, sidestepped a few potholes, and still come out smiling and ready to share the roadmap.


      Are you ready for your transformation?




Full disclosure: The 'perfect time' to align your passions with your professional pursuits? It doesn't exist. Start now, refine later.

I'm ready to start!

Transformational Coaching for Women of Colour