I Release to Receive - Subliminal Audio Duo

Let Go and Make Space for the Life You want!

Looking for more? Get all six subliminal pathways in the Rhythmic Subliminals bundle and save over 40%! Click here to discover the full bundle for only โ‚ฌ77 and save โ‚ฌ55.

Ready to break free from past traumas and limiting beliefs?

I Release to Receive is designed to help clear emotional baggage, opening your mind to new blessings and opportunities. These tracks reprogram your subconscious to release what no longer serves you, making room for the life you desire and deserve.

What are subliminals?

Subliminals are hidden messages embedded within music or sounds that bypass your conscious mind, directly influencing the subconscious. Unlike traditional affirmations, they donโ€™t require focus or effort. These messages play quietly in the background, working to rewire your mind as you go about your day.

The science behind the shift

These tracks combine neuroplasticity principles, hypnotherapy techniques, and carefully curated music frequencies that align with specific brainwave states. These frequencies are designed to guide your brain into optimal states for subconscious reprogrammingโ€”whether itโ€™s theta waves for deep relaxation and creativity, or beta waves for focus and clarity. By syncing your brain to these frequencies, the subliminal messages can bypass conscious resistance, helping to create new neural pathways that stimulate automatic emotional, thought, and behavioral responses. As you listen, your subconscious is primed for transformation, rewiring old patterns and aligning with the life you desire.

How to use subliminals

  1. Focus on One Goal at a Time: Choose a track that aligns with your current goal and let the magic happen. If you have the Rhythmic Subliminals bundle, or more than one track, focus on listening to one at a time for maximum results

  2. Listen for 30 Minutes a Day: Dedicate just half an hour daily to a track for one month minimum.

  3. Alternate Versions for Flexibility: Switch to the nature sounds version when you need a break, when itโ€™s time to relax, or while you're sleeping!


Frequently asked questions

Do subliminals really work?

Yes, subliminals can be highly effective! Research has shown that subliminal messages can influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by bypassing the conscious mind and directly impacting the subconscious. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of subliminal audio in areas such as confidence building, anxiety reduction, and even habit change.

Will I get a transcript of the subliminals?

No, you won't receive a transcript. I appreciate your trust in me with your subconscious mind! The whole point of subliminals is to bypass the conscious mind and directly influence the subconscious, which is much more open to change. If you read the transcript, your conscious mind might resist the suggestions, making them less effective.

Why do I need to listen for 30 days?

Repetition is key to creating new neural pathways in the brain. Consistent listening over 30 days helps reinforce these pathways, making the subliminals a natural part of your thought patterns. This consistency is crucial for forming new positive habits and achieving lasting transformation.

Why do you recommend incorporating dancing with the subliminals?

Dancing enhances the effects of subliminal messages by increasing the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. Movement also facilitates emotional release and physical relaxation, deepening the impact of the subliminal messages and strengthening the mind-body connection.

Do I have to listen with headphones?

No, headphones are not necessary. The volume can be very low, and the subliminals will still be effective. The key is to have them playing in the background regularly to ensure consistent exposure.

What results can I expect from using these tracks and Rhythmic Subliminals?

Results can vary from person to person, but many users report feeling more positive, confident, and focused within a few weeks. Consistency is keyโ€”regular listening is necessary to reinforce new positive patterns in your subconscious mind and to achieve the desired outcomes.

Can I share my subliminals with others?

It's wonderful that you want to spread the word about Rhythmic Subliminals! However, each bundle is intended for individual use only. Iโ€™ve spent more than six months developing this bundle, and a lot of hard work has gone into creating it. If someone else would like to experience the benefits, please encourage them to purchase their own copy. This support helps me continue to create more bundles, explore new genres, and offer even more personalized products for you.

Is there a refund policy?

Due to the nature of digital content, the bundles cannot be refunded. However, if after three months you feel that the bundle has had no impact on you whatsoever, reach out to me directly. Iโ€™ll be happy to get on a call with you to discuss your experience and explore reasonable next steps to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

What people are saying...

I'm Tima, your Sonic Alchemist!

Hi, I'm Tima! Iโ€™m passionate about blending science-backed techniques like hypnotherapy and neuromusicology with the power of rhythm to create effortless personal development tools. As the first to create subliminal tracks layered with early 2000s R&B and hip-hop, I'm on a mission to offer you innovative ways to elevate your personal journey.

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I Release to Receive - Instrumental + Nature Sounds Subliminals for Letting Go and Embracing What You Desire

Subliminal Audio
