
3 magical things that happen when you develop a growth mindset abundance mindset growth mindset personal development Jun 19, 2024

Hey there!

I want to be real with you from the start. Developing a growth mindset isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of consistency. But trust me, the results are worth it. Even though I still have bad days, the way I handle them has changed...

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Crafting wealth from your passions: a beginner's blueprint for side hustle success how to start a business online business small business turning passion into profit May 21, 2024

 Let me guess… you're brimming with passions, obsessions, and maybe even a few fleeting hobbies that spark joy but haven't quite turned a profit... yet. Trust me, I've been there, launching more side hustles than I can count—each one a chapter in my ever-evolving journey...

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10 unmistakable signs it's time to pivot your career path Apr 29, 2024

If you’re here scrolling, it's probably 'cause you're feeling a bit adrift at career sea. Maybe you're looking for that “Heck yeah, I feel you!” moment or scratching your head, wondering if you're bored or genuinely itching for a total career 180. As someone who's chased more...

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Dream job from home: a remote work blueprint Apr 24, 2024

Stepping into remote work was a game-changer for me, and not in the way most people might think. My leap wasn't spurred by the global shift to home offices during the pandemic or by a deliberate career pivot. It all began when I was pregnant with my first child and battling hyperemesis...

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