10 unmistakable signs it's time to pivot your career path

Apr 29, 2024

If you’re here scrolling, it's probably 'cause you're feeling a bit adrift at career sea. Maybe you're looking for that “Heck yeah, I feel you!” moment or scratching your head, wondering if you're bored or genuinely itching for a total career 180. As someone who's chased more passions than Netflix series, trust me, I've been there. Is it the thrill of the new or just the old comfort zone blues? Especially if you’re like me, embracing all your passions like a juggler on overdrive. Ever catch yourself on a Sunday with that deep pit in your stomach or daydreaming about talents gathering dust? Yep, you’re in the right nook of the internet. Below, I’m laying it all out, every sign that smacked me upside the head with a "Girl, it's time to move on!" Let's jump in, shall we?


  1. Sunday scaries but worse: That heavy sense of dread every Sunday isn't just a dislike for Mondays; it's a big, bold sign that something’s not right. I remember when handling customer complaints, Sundays were like the silent prelude to a storm I wished I could avoid. If you're caught in a similar loop of dread, it's a pretty clear signal you might need a change.

  2. Caged potential: Feeling like you’re not using your full arsenal of skills? I've been there, doing marketing for the online magazine I was a journalist at because my main tasks didn’t quite cut it. This frustration nudged me towards a marketing path, showing me it was time for a shift. If your current role feels like it’s holding you back, it could be time to spread your wings.

  3. Job-site escapades: If part of your workday involves sneaking peeks at job listings, you’re not just killing time; you're looking for an out. I've definitely been there, applying for new roles right from my desk, a clear indicator my days were numbered at that job. If your browsing history is full of job sites, take it as a sign.

  4. Job envy or longing for what could be: It’s not about envying a specific job but longing for the possibilities you see in others' roles that yours lacks. I didn't envy another person's position; I yearned for the career I knew I was meant for. If you find yourself constantly daydreaming about a different career path, it's time to consider making a plan.

  5. Values mismatch: Ever worked a job that just didn’t sit right with your values? I’ve been there, like with a short-lived role in debt collection. It clashed so hard with my principles, I had to quit fast. It's crucial that your job mirrors your values, not challenges them.

  6. Passion deficit: Working without passion is like eating without tasting—unsatisfying. I’ve chased passion in every role I've taken, yet when the passion fades, the realization hits hard. If your job feels more like a burden than a joy, it's a stark indicator a change is overdue.

  7. Constant work rants: When venting about work becomes your default, it’s more than just letting off steam; it's a red flag of deeper issues. A job shouldn’t be something you constantly complain about.

  8. The toll on your well-being: A job should challenge you, yes, but not harm your mental or physical health. I've experienced burnout and the toll it takes firsthand. When your job starts to affect your health negatively, it’s perhaps the most urgent sign you need to reconsider your professional path.

  9. Daydreams of a different life: Frequently fantasizing about a different career isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s your subconscious guiding you to where you need to be. My daydreams of a marketing career were the push I needed to pivot from sales. If you’re often lost in thoughts of a different job or lifestyle, listen to those daydreams.

  10. If you’re reading this... well, it’s more than curiosity. You’re looking for answers or validation. And here it is: If you're nodding along to these signs, it's time for action.


    Feeling a connection to any of these signs? It’s your inner voice, and maybe a bit of my own experience, telling you it’s time for something new. Don’t wait for a more obvious sign. Reach out, book your free consultation, and let's plan your move toward a career that not just exists but excites and fulfills you. Your next chapter isn’t just waiting; it’s beckoning. Let’s make it happen.